June 5 World Environment Day 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱

Nature give us her beauty, wisdom, pure air as well as food without any rewards. But,  what are the rewards people giving to her??? Yes,  its a thought provoking question. We lives here small period comparing earth's age. During this short eperiod the people like greedy and make more money via wrong ways. They destroy forest for build factories, dumping wastes into river for cleaning  their house.
      Look at your surrounding  please,
     That is your home.
     Live for needs don't for greed.
Nature is our truth. She give us whatever we wanted. So, stop our greedy nature and lead simple life......... I am not against development. But,  whatever we do without considering nature it will be utter nonsense.
Our Physical Science Students conduct a small drama about this day.
And I planting a mangosteen in my garden. For my beloved NATURE....


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